Workshop and Coaching Philosophy

As a Workshop Presenter:
In addition to my sport certifications, I also hold a multi-disciplinary credential in Education and Masters degree in Counseling. Studying Education and School Counseling has given me access to better understand how people learn and choose to perceive their limitless possibility. As a presenter, my goal is to create a safe space for discovery and play to occur- as that is where the true creative self emerges and great leaps towards a person's limitlessness occur.

As a Creative/Fitness Coach:
Endurance sports teach you to listen to your body and help strengthen you physically and mentally to feel first hand the power of your life potential. My goal as a coach is to help you apply your physical training break throughs towards other areas of your life: family, health, work, community, personal growth and beyond, to maximize your limitless possibility. I also like to balance fitness with creative training by giving weekly creative exercises to help bridge their deep life desires into daily life.

Every day I learn something new about myself when I train and work. Training gives me the practiced approach to feel my body in motion, listen to it's desires, and feel the power of my possibility. My work allows me to experience everyone's process and be a partner in their play. I would love to be a part of the journey with you.